All-on-4® Dental Implants in Colleyville
While dentures have been around for years, today’s advanced technology offers the most comfortable and natural looking dentures ever to be made.
While the procedure, called All-on-4® Dental Implants, requires a significant amount of preparation on the front end prior to the actual surgical phase, patients can achieve incredible smile results.
Am I a Candidate?
What to Expect: The Treatment Process
The “All-on-4″ procedure gets its name because as few as four implants can be used to safely and effectively secure a mouth full of dentures.
Since its inception in 1998, the procedure has been refined and huge advancements have been made due to the introduction of 3D imaging and newer implant technologies. Today, the procedure is very commonly done in many dental implant offices and is routinely done at Oliver Dental & Implants.
In fact, Dr. Oliver has been personally trained in this technique by its inventor, Dr. Malo, at his facility in Rutherford, New Jersey.

All-on-4® Dental Implants

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